My journey with Aviation started roughly three years ago when a friend took me husky flying in Alpine, Wyoming. It was then and there that I fell in love with the sky and feel of the airplane gliding through the warm summer air.
Roughly six months after my initial flight I was determined to start training for my pilot’s license and to figure out a way to incorporate aviation into my everyday life. Thus, came the birth of Aviation Estates. Over coffee at Yankee Doodle Cafe with a few of my closest friends we were discussing how amazing it is to be part of an airpark community and how the comradery is wonderfully unique. I decided at that moment in time that it was a lifestyle I wanted to be a part of and share with others.
From there I bought the domain considering thousands of names) and started brainstorming about what I envisioned the Aviation Estates community to be. I decided that it would ultimately be a resource for pilots, aviation enthusiasts and anyone who wants to learn a little more about what the aviation lifestyle has to offer. When the full site launches next month you will find this blog, airparks across the globe, commercial and residential real estate, aviation news, a few key advertisements from relevant companies whom I personally support, fly-in and aviation events and what I consider to be one of the best lifestyle resources available
I invite you to explore the aviation lifestyle. Although I have to warn you that you just might fall in love. I know I did!
Just think…how much fun it would be to taxi your airplane from the runway to the driveway every day!
Cheers, Nicole – Founder of Aviation Estates.